homophones [matching words to words] [1c]

homophones [matching words to words] [1c]
the stuff we breathe
I will in short form
to change something
are not in short form
past tense of eat
polite version of me
if not this....that
a pop group or rubber
in the nude
release pending trial
next on the throne
walkway in church
sacrifices made on
a relative
a number
found in the head
use in a row boat
stopped from driving
big furry mammal
bound bundle of hay
[News Flash]
Match the homophones. Read each of the phrases in the left and right hand columns. They should suggest words which are homophones. Drag the right hand column word into the centre column. If the correct homophones are matched the background colour will change to yellow. To start the activity again just refresh the page.