picture catalogue showing examples of my activities
spellings [calculator words] [4 letters]
creating-words-using-a-calculator [4-letter-words]
Word 1 :
Word 2 :
Word 3 :
Word 4 :
Word 5 :
Word 6 :
Word 7 :
Word 8 :
Word 9 :
Word 10 :
Word 11 :
Word 12 :
Word 13 :
Word 14 :
Word 15 :
Word 16:
Word 17 :
Word 18 :
Word 19 :
Word 20 :
[News Flash]
Use the keys on the keyboard to create 20 four letter words. Record your words in the table on the right hand side. Click on the CLEAR button to get rid of the words. To restart the activity just refresh the page.
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