See the complete list of activities at the bottom of the page.

animals [connecting part sentences] [make an opinion]

animals [connecting part sentences] [make an opinion]
A polar bear is the most  
Parrots are prettier  
The bats in the cave  
Snakes do not make  
A rhinoceros can be  
Hippos are  
The peregrine falcon can't be  
Honeybees are  
Horses are the most beautiful  
  fun animal to watch.
  than blue birds.
  sing beautifully.
  are very scary.
  good pets.
  very difficult to take care of.
  amazing animals to watch.
  allowed to become extinct
  the most useful insects.
  animals in the world.
[News Flash]
Create an opinion by dragging a part sentence from the right hand column to match one in the left hand column. To start the sequence again just refresh the page.