Solar System [dropdown information] [1]

Solar System [dropdown information] [1]
We live on a planet called Earth.
A planet is a body that goes around the Sun.
The Sun is a star.
A star is a bright, shining ball of gas which gives off light and heat.
The Earth is one of eight planets in our Solar System.
It is called a Solar System because a Sun is at its centre.
The other seven planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Remember the order of planets from the Sun with My Very Easy Method Just Soaks Up Names.
So what should you have learned?.....
That the Earth is a planet and what a planet is.
That the Sun is a star and what a star is.
You should now know what a Solar System is and why it is called a Solar System.
You should know that there are seven other planets in our a Solar System and be able to name them.

[News Flash]
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