Earth equator tropics [connecting part sentences]

Earth equator tropics [connecting part sentences]
The Earth rotates on ...
It rotates on it's ...
The rotation every 24 ....
The Earth orbits the Sun every
The Equator is an imaginary
The half above the Equator
The half below the Equator
If Earth wasn't tilted the Sun's
North - Tropic of Cancer
South - Tropic of Capricorn's axis and orbits the Sun.
...tilted axis every 24 hours.
...hours gives us night and day.
...365 days causing seasons.
...line around Earth's centre. the Northern Hemisphere. the Southern Hemisphere.
...heat would be unchanging.
...and Arctic Circle.
...and Antarctic Circle.
[News Flash]
Create a compound sentence by dragging a PART SENTENCE from the right hand column to match one in the left hand column.