Earth seasons equinoxes solstices [connecting part sentences]

Earth seasons equinoxes solstices [connecting part sentences]
We have 4 seasons Winter,...
Winter begins on December...
Spring begins on March ....
Summer begins on June...
Autumn begins on September...
We have Equinoxes..
Equinoxes are when days/ ...
The Vernal or....
The Autumnal ...
The Winter ...
The Summer ..
We have Solstices...
The Winter Solstice is the..
The Summer Solstice is the..
...Spring, Summer and Autumn.
...21st until March 20th.
...20th until June 20th.
...21st until September 23rd.
...23rd until December 21st. Spring and Autumn.
...nights are of equal length.
...Spring Equinox is March 20th.
...Equinox is September 23rd.
...Solstice is December 21st.
...Solstice is June 20th. Winter and Summer.
...shortest day / longest night.
...longest day / shortest night.

[News Flash]
Create a compound sentence by dragging a PART SENTENCE from the right hand column to match one in the left hand column.