decimals [creating numbers to 3 decimal places] [1-50]

decimals [creating numbers to 3 decimal places] [1-50]

creating-decimal-numbers-1-50 [to-3-decimal-places]

Number 0

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

Number 8

Number 9


decimal point







    [News Flash]
    Click the button at the top of the screen to CREATE A RANDOM DECIMAL NUMBER to THREE DECIMAL POINTS. The number will appear in a separate window. Keep a record of this. This is the number you need to create yourself. There are all 10 numbers in piles under the headings "Numbers 0 - 9". Take numbers from any of the piles and place them under the five headings TENTHS, UNITS, TENTHS, HUNDREDS and THOUSANDTHS so that they create the random number shown at the top of the screen. Any numbers you do not want can be placed back on the number pile. To restart the activity just refresh the page.