vowel sounds [wordsearch] [au-ou] [disappear]

vowel sounds [wordsearch] [au-ou] [disappear]

w e t o u g h l l l
d o t a u g h t n a
e n a u g h t y b u
d a u g h t e r r g
r t h o u g h t o h
a y o r o u g h u t
u e n o u g h u g e
g a c a u g h t h r
h r c o u g h e t g
t r e a o u g h t t
rough found itcan't find it yet
cough found itcan't find it yet
laughter found itcan't find it yet
ought found itcan't find it yet
taught found itcan't find it yet
enough found itcan't find it yet
draught found itcan't find it yet
thought found itcan't find it yet
brought found itcan't find it yet
daughter found itcan't find it yet
tough found itcan't find it yet
caught found itcan't find it yet
naughty found itcan't find it yet
[News Flash]
There are 13 WORDS hidden in this wordsearch which have AU | OU in them. CLICK on the letters in the words to make them DISAPPEAR. * Take care as some of the letters are involved IN MORE THAN ONE WORD. To restart the activity just refresh the page.