Ancient Egyptians [ordering sentences] [stages of mummification]

Ancient Egyptians [ordering sentences] [stages of mummification]

The Stages of Mummification

  • Wash the body with salty water. Put a hook up the nose to pulverise and remove the brain.
  • Make a cut in the body and remove internal organs placing them into separate canopic jars (not the heart.
  • Rinse the inside of the body with spices and then coat with resin to seal it. Cover body in natron (salt).
  • Leave for 70 days until the body has dried. Replace the heart and fill the cavity with linen to look human.
  • Place amulets (good luck charms) on the chest and wrap the whole body in bandages.
  • Put on the death mask and place the Book of Death into the inner coffin.
  • Place the body into the beautifully decorated stone sarcophagus.

Mummification Part 1

Mummification Part 2

    Mummification Part 3

    Mummification Part 4

    Mummification Part 5

    Mummification Part 6

    Mummification Part 7

      [News Flash]
      Drag 6 of the 7 paragraphs into the story line. Using the SPARE box move the paragraphs about until you think they are in the correct order of mummification.