instructions [how to make a cup of tea] [matching pictures to detailed labels] [2a]

instructions [matching pictures to detailed labels] [how to make a cup of tea] [2a]

Pictures to move

fill the kettle with water

switch on the kettle

place a tea bag into the mug

    wait for the kettle to boil

    fill the mug with boiling water

    allow time for the tea to brew

    remove the tea bag with the spoon

    add milk if it is required

    add sugar if it is required

    stir tea to mix the tea, milk, sugar

    carefully taste the tea, it may be hot

      [News Flash]
      Drag each of the pictures and drop them into the correct order of how to make a cup of tea. You can re-arrange the order of the pictures at any time. To restart the activity just refresh the page.