technology [ordering dates] [1901-1947] [1]

technology [ordering dates] [1901-1947] [1]
1938 Chester Carlson invents the principle of photocopying.
1928 The electric refrigerator is invented.
1920 The magnetron that can generate microwaves from electricity.
1931 Edgerton invents the xenon flash lamp for high-speed photography.
1921 John Logie Baird develops the mechanical television.
1901 Marconi sends radio-wave signals across the Atlantic Ocean.
1908 Henry Ford launches the Ford Model T car.
1939 Igor Sikorsky builds the first practical helicopter.
1903 The Wright brothers build the first engine-powered airplane.
1930 The development of radar.
1922 The principle of the modern, liquid-fueled space rocket.
1931 Laszlo and Georg Biro pioneer the modern ballpoint pen.
1929 Frank Whittle develops the jet engine.
1938 Plunkett invents a nonstick plastic coating called Teflon®.
1930 Carothers develops neoprene (synthetic rubber used in wetsuits).
1912 Hans Geiger develops the Geiger counter to detect radioactivity.
1907 Development of Bakelite, the first synthetic plastic.
[News Flash]
Here is a picture of a computer, one of the major technological developments of recent years. On the right hand side are a number of these developments from 1901-1947. Drag and drop the cells on the right onto the picture and the technologies will appear. Sort these by date order, from the earliest to the latest by dragging and dropping them to the bottom of the list.