Solar System [process of elimination by reading clues] [information]

Solar System [process of elimination by reading clues] [information]
Eliminate the answers to each of the clues
Clue 1.
the planet we live on
Clue 2.
a body that goes around a Sun
Clue 3.
the nearest star to Earth
Clue 4.
the planet nearest the Sun
Clue 5.
the planet furthest from the Sun
Clue 6.
what a star gives off
Clue 7.
name of a group of planets around a sun
Clue 8.
number of planets in our Solar System
Clue 9.
name given to a rhyme to remember
Clue 10.
a planet with rings
Clue 11.
the other ice giant
Clue 12.
the other gas giant
Clue 13.
known as the red planet
Clue 14.
name given to a group of Solar Systems
Clue 15.
the name of our galaxy
You should be left with...
the planet Venus
Find the Numbers in the 100 Number Grid
Earth galaxy Mercury Neptune
Sun eight Venus planet
Mars Milky Way Jupiter mnemonic
Saturn heat and light Uranus Solar System
[News Flash]
Click on each clue to get the information to ELIMINATE (get rid of) all but one of the blue cells in the grid. The last remaining CELL is your ANSWER to the process of elimination. CLICK on YOU SHOULD BE LEFT WITH to see if you are correct. To restart the activity just refresh the page.