See the complete list of activities at the bottom of the page.

animals [reading and understanding information] [3]

animals [reading and understanding information] [3]

I eat for between 12-18 hours a day.

My young are called hatchlings.

I am a carnivore and only eat meat

I am diurnal and arboreal.

I live my whole life in arctic waters.

I am one of the biggest primates.

    Taking the first letter of each answer spells a word associated with...?
    buildings transport food trees technology sport    
    [News Flash]
    Read the headings under each of the pictures. Look at each of the pictures. Each picture can be linked to a heading. Drag and drop each picture under the heading to which you think it belongs. The position of any picture can be changed. When all of the pictures are in place try the quiz at the bottom of the page. To restart the activity just refresh the page.