pollination [information over pictures] [3]

pollination [information over pictures] [3]

So the nectar, which birds and insects love, is found right at the bottom of the stamen next to the ovule.

As an insect heads towards the nectar it gets covered in pollen from the anther [the male bit].

As it reverses back out past the flower's stigma [the female bit] the pollen gets rubbed off.
This is called fertilisation and means that the ovule can now turn the pollen into seeds.
Producing seeds this way is called self pollination.
The plant is fertilising itself.
However, birds and insects like to get nectar from many different flowers and therefore take pollen from plant to plant.
This is called cross pollination.
So insects, birds and bats help with pollination by spreading the pollen around and fertilising the flowers.
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