Type your plus, minus and interesting thoughts into the empty frames for the examples given.
These need to be short as you only have 90 character spaces available.
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PMI [plus-minus-interesting]
Instead of just saying that you like an idea, or don't like it, you can use a PMI. When you use a PMI you give the good points first, then the bad points, and then the points which are neither good nor bad, but are interesting. P = Plus. The good things about an idea - why you like it. M = Minus. The bad things about an idea - why you don't like it. I = Interesting. What you find interesting about the idea. An Example - All the seats should be taken out of buses. P: More people can get into each bus. It would be easier to get in and out. Buses would be cheaper to make and to repair. You could carry more objects, like bags and pushchairs. M: Passengers would fall over if the bus stopped suddenly. Old people and disabled people would not be able to use buses. It would be difficult to carry babies. Less popular for long journeys. I: It might lead to two types of bus, one with and one without seats. The same bus could do more types of work. What could you do with the seats? |