proverbs [compound sentences] [1]

proverbs [compound sentences] [1]
A chain is only as strong..
A bird in the hand ..
A change is ..
A dog is ..
A friend in need ..
A good beginning ..
A journey of a thousand miles ..
A leopard ..
A little of what you fancy ..
A miss.. its weakest link worth two in the bush. good as a rest.
..a man's best friend. a friend indeed.
..makes a good ending.
..begins with a single step
..cannot change its spots.
..does you good.
.. is as good as a mile.
[News Flash]
Look at the part sentences in the left hand column. Look at the connecting part sentences in the right hand column. Drag the part sentence from the right hand column into the central column next to the connecting part sentence. A change of background colour to yellow means that the answer is correct. To restart the activity just refresh the page.