silent letters [connecting by colouring] [1a]

silent letters [connecting by colouring] [1a]

[silent B]

[silent C]

[silent D]

    [News Flash]
    The grid is full of words which have silent letters in their words but how many can you identify? Look in the left hand column and find a word that has a silent [B]. Click on the word ONCE to turn the background BLUE. Find a route through to the right hand column by identifying all the silent letter [Bs] words and turning the backgrounds BLUE. Look in the left hand column and find a word that has a silent [C]. Click on the word TWICE to turn the background YELLOW. Find a route through to the right hand column by identifying all the silent letter [Cs] words and turning the backgrounds YELLOW. Look in the left hand column and find a word that has a silent [D]. Click on the word THREE TIMES to turn the background ORANGE. Find a route through to the right hand column by identifying all the silent letter [Ds] words and turning the backgrounds ORANGE. Clicking FOUR TIMES will change the background back to WHITE. To start the sequence again just refresh the page.