animal food chains [ordering statements]

animal food chains [ordering statements]
The frog eats the caterpillar.
Producers are created by the Sun and rain.
The snake eats the frog.
The highest level of consumer is the top predator.
The first lower level consumer is a caterpillar.
This picture shows a food chain.
Next in the food chain is a higher level consumer.
The owl is the highest level of consumer.
The producer in this case is a plant.
Next in the food chain is the lower level consumer.
The chain is a plant, caterpillar, frog, snake and owl.
The first higher level consumer is a frog.
Next is an even higher level consumer- the snake.
A food chain always starts with a producer.
[News Flash]
Here is a picture of a food chain. On the right are a series of statements which describe what the picture is showing. Drag and drop the statements onto the picture in the order in which you think they go. Don't worry if you decide that some are in the wrong order. You can simply pick them up and move them about.