See the complete list of activities at the bottom of the page.

spelling [word ladder] [3 letters] [2a]

word ladder [3 letters] [2a]

    a pet

    bed for baby

    full stop

    another pet

    a hole maybe

    an insect

    [News Flash]
    This activity is about changing the word at the top of the word ladder into the word at the bottom. To do this you can change ONE letter to turn the 1ST word into the 2ND word. Then ONE letter to turn the 2ND word into the 3RD word. Then ONE letter to turn the 3RD word into the 4TH word. Then ONE letter to turn the 4TH word into the 5TH word. Then ONE letter to turn the 5TH word into the 6TH and final word. Simply drag and drop the letters into the spaces from the piles at the top. To restart the activity just refresh the page.