(69 BC–30 BC)
The last Ptolemaic ruler
of Egypt. Cleopatra sought
to defend Egypt from the
expanding Roman Empire.
In doing so she formed
relationships with two
of Rome’s most powerful
leaders, Marc Anthony
and Julius Caesar.
(1st Century AD)
Boudicca was an inspirational
leader of the Britons.
She led several tribes
in revolt against the
Roman occupation.
Initially successful, her
army of 100,000 sacked
Colchester and then
London. Her army was
later defeated.
Joan of Arc
The patron saint of France,
Joan of Arc inspired a
French revolt against
the occupation of the
English. An unlikely hero,
at the age of just 17,
the diminutive Joan
successfully led the
French to victory at
Orleans. Her later trial
and martyrdom only
heightened her mystique.
Elizabeth I
Queen of England during a
time of great economic
and social change, she saw
England cemented as a
Protestant country.
During her reign, she
witnessed the defeat of
the Spanish Armada
leaving Britain to later
become one of the world’s
dominant superpowers.
Catherine the Great
One of the greatest political
leaders of the Eighteenth
Century. Catherine the
Great was said to have played
an important role in improving
the welfare of Russian serfs.
She placed great emphasis
on the arts and helped to
cement Russia as one of the
dominant countries in Europe.
This series of pictures shows a number of famous women with information about why they are included.
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