Galileo Galilei
Italian astronomer, scientist and philosopher. He improved the telescope and an improved compass. He also thought that the Earth revolved around the Sun and not the Sun around the Earth.
Johann Gutenbergh
(1395 – 1468)
German inventor of the printing press.
Gutenberg’s invention of movable type started a printing revolution.
Christian Huygens
(1629 - 1695)
A Dutch mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer, and inventor developed the pendulum which made primitive clocks more accurate.
Leonardo Da Vinci
(1452 - 1519)
Italian artist, scientist and inventor. He invented a huge range of machines and drew models including prototype parachutes, tanks, flying machines and single-span bridges.
(287 BC – 212 BC)
An ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.
Amongst other things he developed the Archimedes screw for lifting up water from mines and wells.
Issac Newton
(1642 - 1726)
English scientist who invented the reflecting telescope. This greatly improved the capacity of telescopes and reduced optical distortion. Newton was also a great physicist and astronomer.
Christian Huygens
Issac Newton
Galileo Galilei
Johann Gutenbergh
Leonardo da Vinci
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