weather [information over pictures] [rainfall] [2]

weather [information over pictures] [rainfall] [2]
If you compare the land height and the rainfall [coloured blue] you can see there is a connection.

The mountain ranges of the Snowdonia, the Pennines, Lake District and Western Scotland.
Mountainous areas which lay in the path of winds from the south west have travelled over hundreds of miles of the Atlantic Ocean experience another type of rain called relief rainfall.
This type of rain is produced when moisture laden air is forced upwards over high ground producing cloud.
As it rises higher the droplets of water vapour fall as snow, sleet, hail or rain known together as precipiation.
The combined effect of relief rainfall and frontal rainfall is known as the seeder -feeder effect as shown in this picture
This effect can lead to ten times the rainfall over higher ground as compared with low lying areas.
It occurs when rain falling from advancing high level frontal, or seeder clouds falls into moist air below and....
....washes out the droplets in the feeder cloud covering the high ground.
The precipitation over the high ground removes moisture from the air creating a rain shadow area of drier conditions on the leeward [opposite to windward] side.
[News Flash]
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