time [connecting text and text] [example] [1]

time [connecting text and text] [example] [1]

a race against time

ahead of its time

better late than never

call it a day

crunch time

The lifeguard was in ******* to save the swimmer from drifting out to sea.

The technology this company developed in the early 2000s was ******.

My homework was past its due date, but ****** as the saying goes.

We’ve been practicing our recital for hours, let’s **** and try tomorrow.

We have to get our product released by the target date, so it’s **** all week.

[News Flash]
Look at the text in the left hand column. Look at the connecting text in the right hand column. Drag the text from the right hand column into the central column next to the connecting text. A change of background colour to yellow means that the answer is correct. To restart the activity just refresh the page.