Look at the title of the activity.
There are six animal classifications listed below the title each with a different colour.
As you hover over each heading, a message box will appear telling what each of the animal classifications is with an example.
In each of the rows each word is set within an invisible frame, the background colour of which can be changed to any of the colours above.
As you look at each row can you identify mammals, amphibians,reptiles, birds, insects and fish.
If you can click on a word ONCE to change the colour to RED [mammal].
Click on a word TWICE to change the colour to ORANGE [amphibian].
Click on a word THREE TIMES to change the colour to FUCHSIA [reptile] and so through the colours and animals classifications.
Don't worry if you make a mistake just keep clicking on the word until the colour turns back to WHITE.
If there are any which you don't think fit into any of the headings but could be [molluscs, arthropods, arachnids] etc, colour them [SKY BLUE}.
If there any you are unsure about colour them [PINK].
To start the activity again just refresh the page.
animal classification [colouring words] [A-M]
learning can be FUN and EDUCATIONAL :
animal classification [colouring words] [A-M]