homonyms [odd one out] [4]

homonyms [odd one out] [4]
1 question quiz
In the grid are 4 pairs of pictures and one ODD ONE OUT.
The pairs of pictures are rhyming words which have the same spellings, sound the same and are called HOMONYMS.
An example would be pictures of DOWN [a lower place] and DOWN [soft fluff on a bird].
Click on each pair and they will disappear.
Which picture is the Odd One Out ?
part of the hand
an example of writing
you usually find these in a box
help people type
one of 26 in the alphabet
to a door perhaps
a competition between two teams
is it a bird ?
where coconuts come from

To restart the activity just refresh the page.

[News Flash]
In the grid are 4 pairs of pictures and one ODD ONE OUT. The pairs of pictures are rhyming words which have the same spellings, sound the same and are called HOMONYMS. An example would be pictures of DOWN [a lower place] and DOWN [soft fluff on a bird]. Click on each pair and they will disappear. Leaving an ODD ONE OUT. Tick that picture in the quiz. Click GET SCORE to see if you were correct. To restart the activity just refresh the page.