See the complete list of activities at the bottom of the page.

rhyming words [odd one out] [5]

rhyming words [odd one out] [5]/title> <body> <div id="the_code"> <style> table.gameboard { border-spacing: 0px; border-collapse: separate; border: 0px DarkOrange solid; background: white; margin-left: -15px; margin-right: 0px; border-radius: 5px; cursor:pointer; margin-top:0px; } .gameboard td { opacity: 0.9; font-family: Comic Sans MS; font-size: 11px; font-weight: ; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; color: black; background:white ; margin: 1px; border: 1px black solid; width: 240px; height: 150px; border-radius: 10px; } td.gameboard_over{ color: black; background: transparent; } td.gameboard_clicked{ background: black; color:black; opacity: 0; border: 1px black solid; } img {border-radius: 15px;} h2 {font-size:16px;font-family: Comic Sans MS; color:black;} </style> <script> var WS = (function(){ // return a random character from the list in data function getRandomLetter() { var data = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; var rnd = parseInt(Math.random()*data.length); return data.charAt( rnd ); } // build the markup for the rows and columns of the board function createBoard( num_cols, num_rows, id, unobtrusive ) { var i, j, id = ( id || 'gameboard' ); var html = '<table id="' + id + '" class="gameboard">\n'; for( i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { // note: using "\t" and "\n" to pretty-print the output for viewing "as code" html += '\t<tr>\n'; for( j = 0; j < num_cols; j++ ) { html += '\t\t<td ' + ( unobtrusive ? '' : '' + ' onmouseover="WS.hover(this);" ' + ' onmouseout ="WS.leave(this);" ' + ' onclick =";" ' ) + '>' + getRandomLetter() + '</td>\n' } html += '\t</tr>\n'; } html += '</table>\n' return html; } // Alternative: less obtrusive binding of handlers to all cells // This is an alternative to in-lining the properties at html creation, // but it needs to be triggered separately after the html is added to the DOM function binds( id ) { var el = document.getElementById( id ); var els = el.getElementsByTagName('td'); var i; for ( i in els ) { els[ i ].onclick = function() {; } els[ i ].onmouseover = function() { WS.hover(this); } els[ i ].onmouseout = function() { WS.leave(this); } } } // customize mouseover, mouseout, and click behavior // // Why script these instead of just using CSS hover alone? Because we want to keep track // of a third-state: clicked, which when present will negate the hover change // function hover( me ) { if ( me.className.match( /clicked/ ) ) return; if ( ! me.orgClassName ) me.orgClassName = me.className; me.className = 'gameboard_over'; } function leave( me ) { if ( me.className.match( /clicked/ ) ) return; me.className = me.orgClassName; } function click( me ) { me.className = 'gameboard_clicked'; } // pick a random number of rows and columns to create // generate the markup for the game board // create and/or fill the "game" container with the markup function main( id, unobtrusive ){ var cols = 7 + parseInt( Math.random() * 5 ); var rows = 7 + parseInt( Math.random() * 5 ); // find or create the "game" container on the DOM var el = document.getElementById('game'); if ( ! el ) { // create an inpage anchor to jump to el = document.createElement('a'); = 'game_board'; document.body.appendChild( el ); // create the game board containing element (since we didn't find one already created) el = document.createElement('div'); = 'game'; document.body.appendChild( el ); // try again for the reference now that we've created it el = document.getElementById('game'); } // create and populate the container with our game board el.innerHTML = createBoard( rows, cols, id, unobtrusive ); location.href = '#game_board'; // if we didn't inline the props, we need to bind them after the HTML is added to the DOM if ( unobtrusive ) { WS.binds( id ); } } // publicly accessible methods return { main : main, hover : hover, leave : leave, click : click, binds : binds }; })(); </script> </div> <span class="ivn_ad" data-wh="300,250"><!-- optional placement--></span> <table id="gameboard" class="gameboard"> <tbody> <tr> <td onmouseover="WS.hover(this);" onmouseout="WS.leave(this);" onclick=";"> <img border="0" height="150" src="" width="200" /> </td> <td onmouseover="WS.hover(this);" onmouseout="WS.leave(this);" onclick=";"> <img border="0" height="150" src="" width="200" /> </td> <td onmouseover="WS.hover(this);" onmouseout="WS.leave(this);" onclick=";"> <img border="0" height="150" src="" width="200" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td onmouseover="WS.hover(this);" onmouseout="WS.leave(this);" onclick=";"> <img border="0" height="150" src="" width="200" /> </td> <td onmouseover="WS.hover(this);" onmouseout="WS.leave(this);" onclick=";"> <img border="0" height="150" src="" width="200" /> </td> <td onmouseover="WS.hover(this);" onmouseout="WS.leave(this);" onclick=";"> <img border="0" height="150" src="" width="200" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td onmouseover="WS.hover(this);" onmouseout="WS.leave(this);" onclick=";"> <img border="0" height="150" src="" width="200" /> </td> <td onmouseover="WS.hover(this);" onmouseout="WS.leave(this);" onclick=";"> <img border="0" height="150" src="" width="200" /> </td> <td onmouseover="WS.hover(this);" onmouseout="WS.leave(this);" onclick=";"> <img border="0" height="150" src="" width="200" /> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html> <TD WIDTH="45%"> <!--DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""--> <html> <head> <title>1 question quiz
In the grid are 4 pairs of pictures and one ODD ONE OUT.
The pairs of pictures are rhyming words but which have different spellings. An example would be pictures of a LIGHT and a KITE.
Click on each pair and they will disappear.
Which picture is the Odd One Out ?
one of my 5 a day
I hope I can make it!!!!
it wheely is very good
......... and dagger mystery
okey dokey
.......... with envy
prey for polar bears
could be a screen
there's a flock of us

To restart the activity just refresh the page.

[News Flash]
In the grid are 4 pairs of pictures and one ODD ONE OUT. The pairs of pictures are rhyming words but which have different spellings. An example would be pictures of a LIGHT and a KITE. Click on each pair and they will disappear. Leaving an ODD ONE OUT. Tick that picture in the quiz. Click GET SCORE to see if you were correct. To restart the activity just refresh the page.