calculator shopping [fruit] [1]

calculator shopping [fruit] [1]

The basic 10 question quiz
Use the keys on the calculator to work out the sums in the shopping list.
Click on the money you would use:
So £2.53 would be the £2 coin, the 50 pence piece, a 2p and a 1p coin giving you o code of 8621.
This will give you a code for the each of the answers.

 a hand of bananas cost 85p
6543 6544 6545 6546

 a bunch of grapes cost £1.99
7655320 7655321 7655322 7655323

 a single mango costs 85p
6542 6543 6544 6545

 pack of 4 oranges cost £2.25
850 851 852 853

[News Flash]
Use the keys on the calculator to work out the sums in the right hand shopping list. Click on the money you would use FROM THE HIGHEST WORTH TO THE LOWEST WORTH. So £2.53 would be the £2 coin, the 50 pence piece, a 2p and a 1p coin giving you a code of 8621. This will give you a code for the each of the answers. Click the CANCEL button to clear away each answer. Record your answers in the table on the right hand side by putting a blue dot in the correct answer. If you want to know how well you have done just click on the GET SCORE button. To restart the activity just refresh the page.