Elephant in the room
Fish out of water
Go down the rabbit hole
Happy as a clam
Hold your horses
An obvious issue that everyone is aware of, but no one wants to talk about it.
Feeling out of place in a situation, generally due to unfamiliarity.
Becoming absorbed in a situation or task, that distracts you from the goal.
Feeling extremely happy with one’s current situation or circumstances.
To wait, be patient, or slow down.
An idiom is a phrase that, when taken as a whole, has a meaning you wouldn't be able to work out from the meanings of the individual words.
Look at the text in the left hand column. They are examples of idioms.
Look at the text in the right hand column. These are the meanings to those idioms.
Drag a "meaning" from the right hand column into the central column next to the idiom to which you think it belongs.
A change of background colour to yellow means that the answer is correct.
To restart the activity just refresh the page.