weather [5] [comprehension picture quiz]

weather [5] [comprehension picture quiz]
This symbol is of a snowflake which suggests that the snowfall is very slight, perhaps a simple flurry.
Here is a symbol for more heavier snow, perhaps causing a slight covering of a few centimetres.
Here is a symbol for much more heavier and snow, perhaps even a snowstorm causing drifts and bad road conditions.
Here is a symbol which suggests lightning accompanied by rain.

This could be over quite quickly.
Here the symbol suggests much more intense lightning but this time without rain but perhaps with thunder.

This could last for a longer period of time.
Here the symbol suggests even more intense lightning and again without rain but perhaps this time accompanied by much stronger winds.
5 question quiz [template]

1. When might you not want to travel on the roads?

2. The symbol perhaps for a flurry?

3. Perhaps the time for building snowmen and sledging?

4. Not the time to stand under a tree?

5. Which is the symbol for lightning with rain?

[News Flash]
There are 6 pictures in a grid. As you hover over each picture a blue screen appears on which there is some information about what is being shown in the picture. Read this information and look at each picture to make sure you understand what is being shown. If you want to check how much you understand try the quiz on the right hand side. To start the activity again just refresh the page.