weather [wind] [1] [information over pictures]

weather [wind] [1] [information over pictures]

As you know the Earth rotates on its axis which is tilted at 23.5 degrees.

The Sun's rays hit the Earth and some of that solar heat is trapped in Earth's atmosphere.

Due to the tilt the solar heat is unevenly spread over the surface of the Earth. It is especially concentrated at the equator.

The warm air rises and moves into the colder air above. This is what causes clouds which is covered in other topics.
So you have warm air rising into cold air and a rotating Earth on a tilt.
Here you can see the red warm air at the equator, the pink colder air in the tropics, and the blue cold air at the poles.

Wind is the movement of air bewteen these areas.

This animation shows this movement and future wind topics will cover this in greater detail.
[News Flash]
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