weather [wind] [3] [information over pictures]

weather [wind] [3] [information over pictures]
Have you heard of a scientist called Isaac Newton?
He named a force called gravity.
Gravity is a force of attraction between any two masses.
In this case the air and the Earth.
When gravity acts on the air, the air exerts a force upon the Earth called atmospheric or air pressure.

A millibar is the unit that is used to record that atmospheric or air pressure.
Here you can see that in terms of the weather.

High Pressure [H]
Low Pressure [L].

These are also know as cyclones and anticyclones.

You will need to know about these ready for the weather forcasting section.
Here is an animation that shows you how a barometer works.

The increase or decrease in air pressure moves the needle around the dial.
Here is a real barometer.
The dial goes from
28 millibars [stormy weather]
29 millibars [rainy weather]
30 millibars [fair weather]
31 millibars [very dry weather].
[News Flash]
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