weather [wind] [4] [information over pictures]

weather [wind] [4] [information over pictures]
The speed of air movement and therefore the air speed is measured using a cup anemometer as seen here.

The normal unit of wind speed is the knot (nautical mile per hour = 0.51 m sec-1 = 1.15 mph).
The Beaufort scale is named after Sir Francis Beaufort estimates wind strength without the need for instruments and based on the numbers 0 - 17.

This first example is:
0: Calm and still winds.
Smoke rises vertically.

This second example is:

2. Gentle wind at 6-11 kph (4-7 mph).

Wind can be felt on face; flags ripple.

This third example is:

4. Moderate wind at 20-28 kph (13-18 mph).

Paper and leaves scatter.

This fourth example is:

6. Strong wind at 39-49 kph (25-31 mph).

Umbrellas are hard to use; large branches on trees move.

This fifth example is:

8. Gale at 62-74 kph (39-46 mph).

Twigs and branches break off trees.
[News Flash]
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