spelling [scrambled words] [process of elimination] [groups] [2]

There are 16 pictures of scrambled words in a grid. Eliminate 15 of them using the clues below.

  • Clue 1 : Eliminate all of the months.
  • Clue 2 : Eliminate all of the numbers.
  • Clue 3 : Eliminate all of the animals.
  • Clue 4 : Eliminate all of the days.
  • Clue 5 : Eliminate all of the work places.
  • If you were right you should feel like this.
time [stopwatch] [in seconds] [teacher tools]

Time yourself if you want.

0 : 00

[News Flash]
There are 16 pictures of scrambled words in a 4x4 grid. Your task is to eliminate [get rid of] 15 of them using the clues as they become visible. Can you manage to work out which scrambled word will be left before you are given the answer? To start the sequence again just refresh the page.