- These are screenshots taken from the video clip to help you understand the topic.
- 1. What is this video clip all about ?
- 2. How many States of Matter are there and what are they ?
- 3. OK, so let's see if you know which state certain things are. What about....... ?
- 4. OK, so have you got the answer correct and for the correct reason ?
- 5. OK, so what about....... ?
- 6. ........and did you get the answer correct and for the correct reason ?
- 7. OK, so what about....... ?
- 8. ........and have you got another answer correct and for the correct reason ?
- 9. OK, so what about....... ?
- 10. ........and did you get the answer correct and for the correct reason ?
- 11. Doing OK so far, ...what about....... ?
- 12. ........and did you get the answer correct and for the correct reason again ?
- 13. I think you are beginning to get the hang of this, but what about....... ?
- 14. the answer correct and for the correct reason. You've got to be cheating!!!!
- 15. OK, so now it's time to really test you. What about this one....... ?
- 16. You didn't get this one did you ?
- 17. Well, if you've got them all right so far then I guess this one's going to be easy ?
- 18. Yeah, I thought so but maybe I can find just one you don't know. ?
- 19. Let's try this one. What about this one....... ?
- 20. Have I managed to catch you out this time. No ?
- 21. I'm running out of examples. What about this one ?
- 22. Yeah, I know, you got it ?
- 23. You can't be this good, can you ?
- 20. I know, you got it, .........right?
- 21. Thank goodness the video is coming to an end........what about this one ?
- 22. OK, OK I get it, you're clever right ?
- 23. Which symbol matches this explanation : doesn't have a definite shape or volume ?
- 24. Which symbol matches this explanation : takes the shape of the container ?
- 25. Which symbol matches this explanation : maintains a fixed shape, size and volume ?
- Let's recap what we have covered............