Earth orbit axis rotation [dropdown information]

Earth orbit axis rotation [dropdown information]
All of the planets orbit (go around) the Sun.
They ALL orbit (go around) the Sun in an anti-clockwise direction. That's opposite to a clock when looking from above.
It takes the Earth 365 days (one year) to orbit (go around) the Sun. Can you see the Moon orbiting the Earth?
The Earth also rotates (spins) anti-clockwise on its axis.
The axis is an imaginary line through the Earth, shown here in yellow.
However, at some point in history it is thought that Earth was in collision with another planet called Theia.
This caused the Earth to develop a tilt of around 23 degrees.. This animation shows how big that is.
So now the Earth rotates on its axis with a tilt of 23 degrees.
As the Earth orbits the Sun things have now changed.
The angle and direction of the tilt is always the same throughout the year.
These are the facts that you should now know:

You should know what the Earth's axis is and where it is.
You should now know why the Earths axis is tilted and by how many degrees.
Finally, you should now know what the words revolve, rotate, orbit and anti-clockwise mean.
[News Flash]
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