seasons [dropdown information] [1]

seasons [dropdown information] [1]
The Earth takes a whole year to orbit the Sun. That's 4 seasons, 12 months, 52 weeks or 365 days.
Therefore it goes through all of the seasons of Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn in that time. However, there are two systems used to divide up the seasons. The first and easiest is by months.
This is known as the meteorological calendar, with Spring starting on the 1st of March, Summer on the 1st of June, Autumn on the 1st of September and Winter on the 1st of December.
The second is the astrological calandar based on days called solstices and equinoxes that will be dealt with in another section. However, their dates are shown in many of the following pictures.
In this picture, the Northern Hemisphere is pointing away from the Sun and it is therefore cold. It is Winter, which begins at the beginning of December and lasts until the end of February.
In this picture 3 months on, the Northern Hemisphere is side on to the Sun and is therefore getting warmer. It is Spring, which begins at the beginning of March and lasts until the end of May.
In this picture, the Northern Hemisphere is pointing towards the Sun and is therefore hot. It is Summer which begins at the beginning June and lasts until the end of August.
In this picture, the Northern Hemisphere is side on to the Sun and is therefore cooler. It is Autumn/Fall, which begins at the beginning of September and lasts until the end of November.
The seasons are opposite in the Hemispheres. When it is Winter in the Northern Hemisphere it is Summer in the South. When it is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere it is Autumn in the South.
What you should now know
That the Earth takes a whole year to orbit the Sun but faces in the same direction for all of that time.
That the Earth is on a tilt meaning that different parts are closer to the Sun.
That there are four seasons each of three months.
That there are two types of calendars [meteorlogical and astrological] which alter the timings slightly.
That Winter begins in December and lasts until the end of February.
That Spring begins in March and lasts until the end of May.
That Summer begins in June and lasts until the end of August.
That Autumn or Fall begins in September and lasts until the end of November.
That when it is Winter in the Northern Hemisphere it is Summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
That when it is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere it is Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.
[News Flash]
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