- Fact 1 : A mammal breathes with lungs.
- Fact 2 : Lungs are the primary organs of the respiratory system in mammals.
- Fact 3 : Lungs take oxygen from the air and transfer it into the bloodstream.
- Fact 4 : A mammal is a warm blooded animal.
- Fact 5 : Warm blooded means they can make their own body heat.
- Fact 6 : A mammal has hair or fur on part of their body.
- Fact 7 : Mammals give birth to live young.
- Fact 8 : A female mammal produces milk from mammary glands.
- Fact 9 : Mammals have four limbs with digits ending in claws, nails or hooves.
- Fact 10 : Except for whales, dolphins and porpoises that are marine mammals and live in the sea.

Here are some simple instructions to help you get straight on with the activity.
The objective of this activity is to learn a number of facts quickly.
Each fact "slides in" slowly from the left.
Each important word is "highlighted" and explained.
To "repeat" the activity, simply re-load the page.