animals [animated pictures and text] [mammals]

animated pictures and text [mammals]

  • 1 :
    A mammal breathes with lungs.

  • 2 :
    Lungs are the primary organs
    of the respiratory system
    in mammals.

  • 3 :
    They take oxygen from the
    air and transfer it into
    the bloodstream.

  • 4 :
    A mammal is a warm
    blooded animal. The different
    colours show the temperatures.

  • 5 :
    Warm blooded means they
    can make their own body heat
    even in cold habitats.

  • 6 :
    A mammal has hair or fur
    on part of their body.

  • 7 :
    Mammals give birth to
    live young.

  • 8 :
    A female mammal produces milk
    from mammary glands.

  • 9 :
    Mammals have four limbs
    with digits ending in claws,
    nails or hooves.

  • 10 :
    Except for whales that are
    marine mammals and live in
    the sea.

[News Flash]
Look at each of the pictures and read the text underneath about mammals. To start the sequence again just refresh the page.