water cycle [comprehension quiz] [tooltips over pictures]

water cycle [comprehension quiz] [tooltips over pictures]
These notes are about the Water Cycle. How seawater becomes rain and runs back into the sea as freshwater.
The first stage is called EVAPORATION. This is where the Sun heats up the surface of the sea. Changing the liquid into a gas.
CONVECTION occurs when this gas is warmed and rises above colder water below.
However, as the gases rise they get cooler and turn into WATER VAPOUR. This is half way between gas and liquid.
The second stage is called CONDENSATION. This is when the water vapour cools to form clouds.
As the clouds are blown on-shore they rise. They cool and the water vapour begins to change back into a liquid.
The third stage is PRECIPITATION. This is when the water vapour cools and changes back into a liquid.
This falls as rain, sleet or snow depending on the temperature. As you know water flows downhill creating the final stage RUN-OFF.
To recap :
10 question quiz [template]
1. Which of these is EVAPORATION?
when a liquid changes into a gas
water flowing downhill
when hot air rises
when a gas changes into a liquid
2. Which of these is CONVECTION?
when a liquid changes into a gas
water flowing downhill
when hot air rises
when a gas changes into a liquid
3. Which of these is CONDENSATION?
when a gas changes into a liquid
when hot air rises
when a liquid changes into a gas
water flowing downhill
4. Which of these is not PRECIPITATION?
water vapour
5. Which of these is RUN-OFF?
when a liquid changes into a gas
when hot air rises
water flowing downhill
when a gas changes into a liquid

[News Flash]
There are 9 pictures in a grid. As you hover over each picture a blue screen appears on which there is some information about what is being shown in the picture. Read this information and look at each picture to make sure you understand what is being shown. If you want to check how much you understand try the quiz on the right hand side. To start the activity again just refresh the page.