water cycle [information over pictures]

water cycle [information over pictures]
These notes are about
the Water Cycle.

Explaining how seawater becomes rainwater and runs back into the sea as freshwater.
Stage 1 is called EVAPORATION.

As the Sun heats up the surface of the sea it begins to change the liquid into a gas called water vapour.

This process is called CONVECTION.
Stage 2 is called CONDENSATION.

This is when the water vapour [gas] begins to rise but cools as it does so.

The cooling water vapour begins to form into clouds.
Stage 3 is called PRECIPITATION.

As the clouds are blown on-shore they have to rise.
As a result the water vapour begins to cool and changes back into a liquid.
This falls as rain, sleet or snow depending on the temperature.
Stage 4 is called RUN-OFF.

As you know the water always flows downhill.
In the hills it starts as a trickle which form into streams, which in turn become rivers and eventually flow back into the sea.
This animation shows all 4 stages.

You may notice that the trees are also giving off water vapour.
This is called TRANSPIRATION.
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