human body parts [labelling with a blue dot] [4 types of teeth] [1]

    body parts [labelling with a blue dot] [4 types of teeth] [1]

      Picture Grid Labelling Quiz [Basic] [Portrait]

      [News Flash]
      Look at the teeth in the right hand picture. It shows the four types of teeth in the mouth. Look at the teeth in the left hand picture, they are blank. Down the left hand side of the screen are 4 in BLUE DOTS. Drag and drop 1 DOT onto the tooth which you think is the canine. Drag and drop 1 DOT onto the tooth which you think is the premolar. Drag and drop 1 DOT onto the tooth which you think is the incisor. Drag and drop 1 DOT onto the tooth which you think is the molar. To start the activity again simply refresh the page.