human body parts [labelling with a blue dot] [cross section of a tooth] [2]

lbody parts [labelling with a blue dot] [cross section of a tooth] [2]

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9

    typewriterscript []
    [News Flash]
    Look at the picture of the blank. Down the left hand side of the screen are the numbers 1-9 in BLUE. Drag the number 1 onto the blank tooth to where you think the enamel is. Drag the number 2 to where you think the root canal is. Drag the number 3 to where you think the crown is. Drag the number 4 to where you think the pulp is. Drag the number 5 to where you think the root is. Drag the number 6 to where you think the nerves are. Drag the number 7 to where you think the bone is. Drag the number 8 to where you think the gum is. Drag the number 9 to where you think the blood vessels are. To start the activity again simply refresh the page.