See the complete list of activities at the bottom of the page.

human body parts [labelling with a blue dot] [cross section of a tooth] [1]

body parts [labelling with a blue dot] [cross section of a tooth] [1]

    Picture Grid Labelling Quiz [Basic] [Portrait]

      [News Flash]
      Look at the cross section of a tooth in the right hand picture. It labels the 9 parts of a tooth. Look at the tooth in the left hand picture, it is blank. Down the left hand side of the screen are 9 BLUE DOTS. Drag and drop a DOT where you think the enamel is. Drag and drop a DOT where you think the root canal is. Drag and drop a DOT where you think the crown is. Drag and drop a DOT where you think the pulp is. Drag and drop a DOT where you think the root is. Drag and drop a DOT where you think the nerves are. Drag and drop a DOT where you think the bone is. Drag and drop a DOT where you think the gum is. Drag and drop a DOT where you think the blood vessels are. To start the activity again simply refresh the page.