seasons [information over pictures] [meteorological calendar]

seasons [information over pictures] [meteorological calendar]
The meteorological calendar has Spring starting on the 1st of March.
Summer on the 1st of June.
Autumn on the 1st of September
Winter on the 1st of December.
Spring starting on the 1st of March and ending on the 31st of May.
The weather is getting warmer,there are signs of new plant growth with crocuses, snowdrops, daffodils and buds on the trees.
A time of seeing new born lambs in the fields and birds building nests.
Summer starting on the 1st of June and ending on the 31st of August.
The weather is now at its hottest with some crops starting to grow whilst other like strawberries ready for harvesting.
A time for holidays, picnics and days away from school.
Autumn starting on the 1st of September and ending on the 30th of November.
The weather is now getting cooler with farmers keen to harvest their crops. A time of haystacks, conkers, Halloween and bonfires.
Winter starting on the 1st of December and ending on the 28th [or 29th of February if it's a leap year].
The weather is now at its coldest with frost, snow and ice. A time of shorter days, building snowmen and of course Christmas.
[News Flash]
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