digestive system [information over pictures] [2b]

[L] digestive system [information over pictures] [2b],

Here is a picture reminding you of where the different parts of the digestive system are situated in the body.
A reminder of the labelled diagram showing the different parts of the digestive system.
The liver processes and purifies the blood containing nutrients absorbed from the small intestine.
The large intestine soaks up water and changes the waste food from liquid into poo.
The muscular squeezing of the intestine is called peristalsis.
Don't worry about the name but you can see it happening in this animation.
The rectum stores the stools [lumps of poo] until you go to the toilet.
[News Flash]
Look at all of the pictures in turn. As you hover over each one a blue screen appears with an explanation of what the picture shows. Important words are highlighted. If you are certain that you know about the picture click on it and it will disappear. As you go through all of the pictures you will get rid of all those which you know about and be only left with those you may be unsure of. In some cases you may get rid of all of the pictures in which case you are ready to move on to other activities which will test your knowledge on this topic.