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Earth [comprehension quiz] [Earth seasons orbit hemispheres] [2]

Earth [comprehension quiz] [Earth seasons orbit hemispheres] [2]
Earth takes a year to orbit the Sun. That's : 4 seasons, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days.
* The Earth's tilt towards the Sun does not change at ANY time.
There are two types of calendars when dealing with the seasons.
The astrological calendar
the meteorological calendar.
The astrological calendar has Spring starting on the Spring Equinox. Summer on the Summer Solstice. Autumn on the Autumn Equinox. Winter on the Winter Solstice.
Equinoxes and Solstices
As the Earth orbits the Sun the angle at which the sunlight hits the Earth changes and the hours between sunrise and sunset vary throughout the year.
When the length of day and night are equal it's called an Equinox.

This happens twice a year as the Sun passes over the Equator.
When the length of day is longest it's called the Summer Solstice.

When the length of day is shortest it's called the Winter Solstice.
The Summer Solstice occurs when the Earth has the Northern Hemisphere tilted towards the Sun. The UK is halfway bewteen the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle.
The Winter Solstice occurs when the Earth has the Northern Hemisphere tilted away from the Sun. The UK is halfway bewteen the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle.
The length of the longest day in the UK is around 16 hours of daylight.

The length of the shortest day in the UK is around 8 hours of daylight.
5 question quiz [template]

1. When the length of day and night are equal it's called ?
a solstice
an equinox

2. This happens twice a year as the Sun passes over ?
the Tropic of Cancer
the Equator
the Tropic of Capricorn

3. When the length of day is longest it's called the ?
Summer Solstice
Autumn Equinox
Spring Equinox

4. When the length of day is shortest it's called ?
Winter Solstice
Spring Equinox
Autumn Equinox

5. There are two types of seasonal calendars ?
astrological and monthly
astrological and meteorological
monthly and meteorological

[News Flash]
There are 9 pictures in a grid. As you hover over each picture a blue screen appears on which there is some information about what is being shown in the picture. Read this information and look at each picture to make sure you understand what is being shown. If you want to check how much you understand try the quiz on the right hand side. To start the activity again just refresh the page.