weather [1] [comprehension quiz]

weather [1] [comprehension quiz]
There are a number of different factors which effect our weather.
The first being the jet stream, bands of winds which circle the Earth, some which are warm and some cool.
In August 2003 the sub-tropical jet stream moved north bringing warmer weather [1].
In July 2004 the polar jet stream moved south bringing cooler weather [2].
The second factor is wind.

The UK lies in the 'battleground' between
warm tropical air to the south
cold polar air to the north.

The third factor are the ocean currents.
The Gulf Stream, carries warm water from the South Atlantic to the south west coast of the UK, the south-westerly winds give the UK milder winters.
When winds travel over water they are called maritime.

When winds travel over land they are called continental.
In the UK we get
tropical maritime [red],
tropical continental [red],
polar martime [light blue],
polar continental [light blue]
and sometimes just
polar [dark blue].
5 question quiz [template]

1. How many main factors effect the UK climate?

2. Which of these factors is the Gulf Stream?
ocean currents
jet stream

3. Which winds are called maritime?
those that have travelled over water
those that have travelled over land
those that have travelled over ice

4. Which winds are called continental?
those that have travelled over water
those that have travelled over land
those that have travelled over ice

5. Which would give us the warmer temperatures?
polar continental
polar maritime
tropical maritime

[News Flash]
There are 6 pictures in a grid. As you hover over each picture a blue screen appears on which there is some information about what is being shown in the picture. Read this information and look at each picture to make sure you understand what is being shown. If you want to check how much you understand try the quiz on the right hand side. To start the activity again just refresh the page.