weather [2] [information over pictures]

weather [2] [information over pictures]

The lines on the map are called isobars.

The numbers on the lines are the air pressures recorded on a barometer measured in millibars.

A cold front occurs when
cold air overtakes a warm front
cold temperatures occur, frequent rains and drier air.

A warm front occurs when
a warm air mass overtakes a cold air mass.
Light to moderate rain, a lot of humidty and higher temperatures.

An occluded front occurs when
a warm front overtakes a cold front
severe thunderstorms can be expected.

In a stationary front
two different air masses are stationary and unmoving because of a boundary of air and when neither air mass is advancing into the other.

On this map you can see isobars,
a cold front,
a warm front
an occluded front.
[News Flash]
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