weather [3] [comprehension quiz]

weather [3] [comprehension quiz]
A weather vane is made up of a tail and an arrow.
The tail fin catches the wind and
the arrow points toward the direction the wind is blowing FROM.
A barometer measures the weight of the air pressing down on you.

The air pressure reading is measured in units called millibars.
An anemometer measures wind speed.
The stronger the wind blows, the faster it rotates.
It counts the number of rotations, which is used to calculate the wind speed.
Weather balloons measure temperature, humidity, and air pressure as they rise through the atmosphere.
They also track wind speed and direction and this data is used to predict the weather.
Thermometers help to measure the
maximum temperature
minimum temperature
on any one day in a particular place.
The Met Office has a weather station network across the whole UK, with more than 200 automatic stations like this.
The data is fed into a control centre in Exeter.
5 question quiz [template]

1. How many automatic weather stations are in the UK?
more than 100
more than 150
more than 200

2. Which instrument measures wind speed?

3. Weather balloons measure....?
temperature, height, air pressure
height, humidity, air pressure
temperature, humidity, air pressure

4. A weather vane is made up of ____ parts?

5. The arrow on a weather vane......?
points toward the direction the wind is blowing FROM.
points toward the direction the wind is blowing TO.
points toward the direction of the TAIL.

[News Flash]
There are 6 pictures in a grid. As you hover over each picture a blue screen appears on which there is some information about what is being shown in the picture. Read this information and look at each picture to make sure you understand what is being shown. If you want to check how much you understand try the quiz on the right hand side. To start the activity again just refresh the page.