weather [4] [information over pictures]

weather [4] [information over pictures]

This symbol would suggest that there is full sunshine, perhaps in a blue sky with little or no wind.
This symbol would suggest that there is mainly sunshine but with light cloud and more wind.
If you look to where the wind is coming from, if there is less cloud, then the weather should get better.
If there is more cloud then expect the weather to worsen.
This symbol would suggest that there is only partial sunshine with heavier cloud and perhaps more wind.
If you look to where the wind is coming from, if there is more cloud then expect the weather to worsen even more.

As the clouds get bigger, the water vapour inside becomes heavier.

This symbol would suggest that there is a chance of some light rain.

As the clouds get even bigger, the water vapour inside becomes even heavier.

This symbol would suggest that heavy rain is to be expected.

As predicted, this symbol would suggest that not only is heavy rain expected, but strong winds as well.

This is shown by the rain drops being at an angle.
[News Flash]
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